کتاب آموزشی #C (کتاب آموزشی cSHARp) کتاب آموزشی سی شارپ
جزوه آموزشی #c(جزوه آموزشی cSHARp) جزوه آموزشی سی شارپ
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دانلود پاور پوینت فارسی معرفی مطالب کل کتابدانلودپاورپوینت ارائه ی انگلیسی۵۰ صفحه ی اول
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چند کتاب درباره ی FPGA,قطعات منطقی برنامه پذیر
1) کتاب Digital design and implementation with field programmable devices
نوشته ی دکترزین العابدین نوابی در دانشگاه northeastern university
در ابتدای این کتاب در بخش About the Author راجع به دکتر نوابی چنین آمده است:
Dr. Zainalabedin Navabi is an adjunct professor of electrical and computer
engineering at Northeastern University. Dr. Navabi is the author of several
textbooks and computer based trainings on VHDL, Verilog and related tools and
environments. Dr. Navabi's involvement with hardware description languages
begins in 1976, when he started the development of a register-transfer level
simulator for one of the very first HDLs. In 1981 he completed the development
of a synthesis tool that generated MOS layout from an RTL description. Since
1981, Dr. Navabi has been involved in the design, definition and
implementation of Hardware Description Languages. He has written numerous
papers on the application of HDLs in simulation, synthesis and test of digital
systems. He started one of the first full HDL courses at Northeastern University
in 1990. Since then he has conducted many short courses and tutorials on this
subject in the United States and abroad. In addition to being a professor, he is
also a consultant to CAE companies. Dr. Navabi received his M.S. and Ph.D.
from the University of Arizona in 1978 and 1981, and his B.S. from the
University of Texas at Austin in 1975. He is a senior member of IEEE, a
member of IEEE Computer Society, member of ASEE, and ACM.
لازم به ذکر است که بخش دوازدهم این کتاب راجع به VGA ADAPTER , بخش سیزدهم راجع به keyboard interface است. ودر بخش چهاردهم یک processor به نام SAYEH به طور کامل با FPGA به طور کامل طراحی و پیاده شده است.
2) کتاب degital system designing and prototyping نو شته ی
zoran salcic و asim smailogic
دانلودکتاب digital system designing and prototyping
3)کتابDesigning with FPGAs and CPLDs نوشته ی Bob Zeidman
دانلود کتاب Designing with FPGAs and CPLDs
3)کتاب fpga architecture survay and challenge نوشته ی Ian Kuon
دانشگاه Toronto
دانلود کتاب fpga architecture survay and challenge4) جزوه PDF فارسی راهنمای آی سی های PAL & FPGA ویژه ی فرستنده های رادیویی جهاد نوشته ی مهندس علی نجفی
جزوه PDF فارسی راهنمای آی سی های PAL & FPGA
5) کتاب Advanced FPGA design, architecture,implementation and optimazation
نوشته ی Steve kilts
دانلود کتاب Advanced FPGA design, architecture,implementation and optimazation
6)کتاب Digital Systems Design with FPGAs AND CPLDs نوشته ی Ian Grout
دانلود کتاب Digital Systems Design with FPGAs AND CPLDs